C# で messagepack vs json 比較
Messagepack の良さを社内に布教するためにベンチマークを取ったので転載しておく。
個人的には MessagePack + LZ4 の Typeless がおすすめ。 messagepack は可読性が・・・と言われることが多いけど、 Typeless なシリアライズなら型情報がつくので、 dynamic にデシリアライズして json を吐くような小さいツールさえ作っておけば gzip 圧縮した json とそこまで使い勝手は変わらないのでは?と思う。 パフォーマンスの面では messagepack が有利。json + gzip はファイルサイズは小さくなったけど、パフォーマンスが許容できるかどうか。
ベンチマークに使ったコードは こちら
json: 137,248,217 bytes
json + gzip: 045,170,640 bytes
msgpack: 084,959,431 bytes
msgpack + lz4: 061,381,468 bytes
msgpack (typeless): 083,949,384 bytes
msgpack (typeless) + lz4: 060,776,211 bytes
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.0, OS=ubuntu 19.04
Intel Core i7-8700 CPU 3.20GHz (Coffee Lake), 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=3.0.100
[Host] : .NET Core 3.0.0 (CoreCLR 4.700.19.46205, CoreFX 4.700.19.46214), X64 RyuJIT
ShortRun : .NET Core 3.0.0 (CoreCLR 4.700.19.46205, CoreFX 4.700.19.46214), X64 RyuJIT
Job=ShortRun IterationCount=3 LaunchCount=1
| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Ratio | RatioSD | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated | Completed Work Items | Lock Contentions |
|----------------------- |-----------:|----------:|---------:|------:|--------:|----------:|----------:|----------:|----------:|---------------------:|-----------------:|
| Utf8JsonWithType | 1,001.4 ms | 337.02 ms | 18.47 ms | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1000.0000 | 1000.0000 | - | 642.99 MB | 3.0000 | - |
| Utf8JsonWithTypeGz | 4,134.0 ms | 987.83 ms | 54.15 ms | 4.13 | 0.13 | 7000.0000 | 7000.0000 | 2000.0000 | 814.09 MB | 3.0000 | - |
| Utf8JsonTypeless | 984.2 ms | 50.38 ms | 2.76 ms | 0.98 | 0.02 | 1000.0000 | 1000.0000 | - | 642.99 MB | 2.0000 | - |
| Utf8JsonTypelessGz | 4,194.6 ms | 777.21 ms | 42.60 ms | 4.19 | 0.04 | 7000.0000 | 7000.0000 | 2000.0000 | 814.08 MB | 3.0000 | - |
| MessagePackWithType | 390.3 ms | 231.84 ms | 12.71 ms | 0.39 | 0.02 | - | - | - | 336.9 MB | 2.0000 | - |
| MessagePackWithTypeLz4 | 537.4 ms | 66.94 ms | 3.67 ms | 0.54 | 0.01 | 2000.0000 | 2000.0000 | - | 395.79 MB | 2.0000 | - |
| MessagePackTypeless | 368.1 ms | 2.59 ms | 0.14 ms | 0.37 | 0.01 | - | - | - | 335.94 MB | 2.0000 | - |
| MessagePackTypelessLz4 | 515.2 ms | 75.83 ms | 4.16 ms | 0.51 | 0.01 | 2000.0000 | 2000.0000 | - | 394.22 MB | 2.0000 | - |
// * Legends *
Mean : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
Error : Half of 99.9% confidence interval
StdDev : Standard deviation of all measurements
Ratio : Mean of the ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
RatioSD : Standard deviation of the ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
Gen 0 : GC Generation 0 collects per 1000 operations
Gen 1 : GC Generation 1 collects per 1000 operations
Gen 2 : GC Generation 2 collects per 1000 operations
Allocated : Allocated memory per single operation (managed only, inclusive, 1KB = 1024B)
Completed Work Items : The number of work items that have been processed in ThreadPool (per single operation)
Lock Contentions : The number of times there was contention upon trying to take a Monitor's lock (per single operation)
1 ms : 1 Millisecond (0.001 sec)